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Author Topic: X-Plane 11 737-800 (Read 138 times)

Total Posts: 5
Posted at: 06-06-2017 23:17:49

Hello folks, Using 11.02b1, with its improved frame rates for my not-so-hot iMac, and Zibo's modified default 737-800, I've just made a very enjoyable trip from Bristol to Belfast. Worth a look, I think! Cheers, David
Mark Grant
Training Captain
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Total Posts: 113
Posted at: 07-06-2017 22:10:20

Excellent David, ill check it out now smiley

Many Thanks,


Total Posts: 6
Posted at: 10-12-2017 21:54:23

Hi David, I have recently replaced my old PC with a new one with NVID1080 graphics card and all the bells and whistles just for Xplane11.   I have been using this now for a month and I am not disappointed. The choice of aircraft is great the  scenery brilliant. I have not flown the default  737-800 because I  have the IXEGB737-300 which offers a bit more in reality but i will give it a try. The majority of airports are in 3D and the number increases monthly. I cannot say a bad thing about it  other than good landing speeds are more difficult to manage particularly when using real world weather. I did a flight in Newfoundland today the wind was 40 deg off the runway centreline with winds gusting 40Kts? 



Total Posts: 6
Posted at: 27-10-2020 18:59:09

Hi all the xplane11 users.

Some weeks ago I updated my Xplane11.50 in order to run in Vulcan/Metal. The results are fantastic. Immediately I saw a great improvementwith in frame rates of 40 plus frames per sec. No juddering and superb screen resolution.

For those who are interested search "updating graphics drivers for Vulcan Metal"



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