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Author Topic: Windy winter approach to Sweden (Read 82 times)

Total Posts: 3
Posted at: 18-01-2019 10:01:03

XPlane 11.26 & JAR Design A320

Getting thrown around landing in Sweden. 30+knots.

Recently learned that in those extremes a flaps 3 and higher aproach sppeed would have been better.

Even the autopilot was taking a hammering in the wind 



X-Plane 11
JAR Design A320


Matt Glover
Senior Training Captain

Total Posts: 6
Posted at: 18-01-2019 10:11:06

should have gone around smiley Also practice staying on the taxi lines :0

Last updated by Matt on 18-01-2019 12:09:40.

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Total Posts: 2
Posted at: 18-01-2019 11:57:52

should have gone around too, what a crazy wind up there laugh

Mark Grant
Training Captain
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Total Posts: 113
Posted at: 18-01-2019 14:46:18

Happy days i love the challenging approaches.


Thanks for sharing the video!

Many Thanks,


Barry Ford
Senior Training Captain
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Total Posts: 10
Posted at: 19-01-2019 14:37:09

Had a couple real world approaches like that,its normally the roar engines,pushed back into your seat & upwards.All the fun of flying

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