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Author Topic: Pax and hold lugage weights (Read 65 times)

Total Posts: 2
Posted at: 24-05-2020 16:10:43

Hi All fellow pilors

I was researching pax and hold lugage weights and came across thisr Survey on standard weights passanger and baggage weights [ in Europe]

Males 94 kg,s F/males 75kg,s 

So i calculated the average based 0n the A320 180 pax  at 84. kg,s per pax

I also noticed whilst reading the report hold baggage is 23 kg,s i also checked easyjets website they appear to be using the 23 kgs per pax   this will help with the weights of pax and bag weights when planing flights so I hope this helps some pilots with the problem as to how much a adult weighs and what is the allowed hold lugage weights allowed


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