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Author Topic: Sunday Evening Challenge (Read 61 times)
Leslie Channell
Senior Captain
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Total Posts: 5
Posted at: 16-09-2020 15:32:49

For a bit of fun.

I am setting to following challenge to all JetVa pilots that fancy something different to do.  There is no prize apart from the pride of being accurate and on time.

The challenge is to land at London Gatwick on Sunday the 20th September 2020 with a landing time of exactly 20:00Z that is 21:00 local time.
It is the Landing time that will be used from Blue Sky
You may fly in from anywhere
You may fly on any network or offline. ( I will be on VATSIM - please keep out of my way ha ha ha...)
You must be in an easyjet livery airliner
You must file via Blue Sky so that it can be verified
Weather of your prefered system should be used - but realistic online weather will add to the fun.  Still air 'all the way' defeats the object a little
You must follow online ATC, if your flying it online (I will be) Though asking for 'directs' is a given if running late smiley 
You must of course land without crashing smiley

Naturally this will use your PC clock, but they are normally synced to the net.

Time to have a bit of fun smiley


Leslie Channell
Senior Captain
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Total Posts: 5
Posted at: 20-09-2020 20:30:38

Not sure if anyone went for it?

I did it with VATSIM, had live ATC all the way from my chosen departure of Belfast Aldergrove.

Though it was going to go all wrong when given Direct MID from about FL250, but it all worked out.  I played with the speed throughout.

17:51z] ----- Flight Opened -----
[17:51z] BlueSky -
[17:51z] FS: Prepar3D V4
[17:51z] FSUIPC: v6.004
[17:51z] Flight Number: EZY842
[17:51z] FS Aircraft: FSLabs A320X CFM - easyJet (G-EZTT)
[17:51z] FS Model: A320
[17:51z] FS Type: AIRBUS
[17:51z] Departure: EGAA
[17:51z] Arrival: EGKK
[17:51z] Flight Level: 30000
[17:51z] Flight Type: P
[17:51z] Passengers: 147
[17:51z] FOB: 6163 kgs
[17:51z] Distance to Departure: 0.23 miles
[17:51z] Gate: n/a
[17:51z] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[17:51z] Crash Detection: Disabled
[17:51z] NOTE: Scoring Started
[17:51z] Starting Score: 150
[17:51z] Aircraft Profile: A320FSL
[17:51z] Engines: 2 Jet
[17:51z] NOTE: Boarding has started
[17:51z] Main Door Closed
[17:51z] COM1: 119.70
[17:51z] COM2: 121.50
[17:51z] Transponder: 1200
[17:51z] Navigation Mode: NAV
[17:54z] Transponder: 3652
[17:55z] COM1: 122.80
[18:19z] COM1: 133.70
[18:19z] COM1: 135.52
[18:21z] Transponder: 5016
[18:39z] Engine 2: Started
[18:40z] Flaps: Position 1
[18:40z] Flaps: Position 4
[18:40z] Flaps: Position 3
[18:40z] Flaps: Position 4
[18:40z] Flaps: Position 6
[18:40z] Flaps: Position 7
[18:40z] Parking Brake: Engaged
[18:41z] Engine 1: Started
[18:46z] Parking Brake: Released
[18:46z] NOTE: Taxi started
[18:54z] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[18:54z] GS: 151 knots
[18:54z] TAS: 152 knots
[18:54z] IAS: 154 knots
[18:54z] VS: 30 fpm
[18:54z] FOB: 5837 kgs
[18:54z] Heading: 56


Total Posts: 21
Posted at: 26-09-2020 17:59:52

Nice one Leslie.  Good idea.  Couldn't take part but nice to see some innovation!



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