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Author Topic: Top Pilots Stats (Read 54 times)

Total Posts: 21
Posted at: 01-01-2021 16:27:14

How is the Landing Rates table compiled? Is it an average of all landings that month or the best landings, and if the latter, does it only reflect the best landing per individual (ie a pilot will only appear once even if he has more than one landing which qualifies in the top ten)?



Mark Grant
Training Captain
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Total Posts: 113
Posted at: 01-01-2021 16:44:57

Hi Jeremy, I will have to look at the code as I can not remember how it's written.


I think the landing rates table is a complete pilots average of every flight for that month but I can not remember.

Many Thanks,


Total Posts: 21
Posted at: 01-01-2021 16:51:50

Hi Mark

Thanks. I just wondered because at one point I was in the list with a 150, then my 105 didn't register and I dropped out completely! So I averaged all my landings and it came to around 180 or so which should have featured but didn't.  




Total Posts: 21
Posted at: 17-01-2021 17:37:14

Hi Mark

I've just noticed the same thing happen - my flight on 10 Jan U2502  had a landing rate of -153 which put me at the top of the table, and showed correctly.

On 13 Jan my U2428 was -124 but now I'm off the table completely!!

I know it's only for fun, but interested to see why this glitch occurs.

Cheers, Jerry



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