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Author Topic: Updates and Information (Read 24 times)
Mark Grant
Training Captain
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Total Posts: 137
Posted at: 04-03-2023 13:11:55

Dear pilots,

You may have noticed we have started to update things behind the scenes.
One of the first updates that have been carried out is to the ranking structure.
You can find the updated ranks on the Awards Page.

I am also delighted to announce and welcome to the team Rob Parker, and he has offered to have a look at the tired schedules, for which I am very grateful to him for his time. This is a massive undertaking for which I can not express my gratitude enough. Please join me in welcoming Rob to the team.

We have some exciting times ahead for Jetva, and we will also be looking at ways to increase our pilot numbers and retain existing pilots. If you have any suggestions or ideas, then now is the time to voice them. We would love to hear your thoughts.

All the best,
Blueskies at the top!

Many Thanks,


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