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Author Topic: Flight Scores (Read 24 times)
Mark Grant
Training Captain
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Total Posts: 135
Posted at: 13-02-2024 00:30:51

Dear Pilots,
I am aware of a problem where all Pirep and flight scores have been reset to 100. I am working to restore the information from a backed-up database, until this has been restored, the Top Pilots data and your average flight scores will not reflect what you see on the Pirep.

I currently have limited time, but I will aim to get this rectified in a couple of days.

Thanks for your understanding,



Many Thanks,


Mark Grant
Training Captain
No Avatar
Total Posts: 135
Posted at: 13-02-2024 19:23:03

Dear Pilots,

You can update your incorrect flight scores by visiting your logbook and clicking on your Pireps. You will see, towards the bottom of the page, just before the map, a button to manually update your scores to their correct values.


I have just completed 100 of my flights, which does take a bit of time to update, but if you open up a bunch of tabs, it's not too bad.


If you need any assistance then please post in this thread.




Many Thanks,


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