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Author Topic: Boost FPS wth NVidia 2 and 3 series GPU's (Read 36 times)
Rob Parker
Training Captain

Total Posts: 110
Posted at: 07-04-2024 16:28:38

For those of you running your MSFS rigs with NVidia 2000 and 3000 series cards you can most likely get a huge FPS boost by some simple, well explained software tweaks.  Frame Generator software is built into 4000 series cards but now it's available to 2 and 3 series cards too.  With some other updates including the latest version of DLSS you should be able to improve your frame rates substantially.

Mine have gone from a dodgy 30FPS to 70FPS both on the flightdeck and in spot view.  It's insane.  I have a 3060 card. You will need to follow the instructions in this video VERY carefully but it's worth the trouble.

There is a little Registry change which software does for you so if you're nervous about this then maybe don't do it.  I've done it twice and used the same software to reverse the change and nothing bad happened to me.  But, as always, do all these things at your own risk.

P3D V5.2 + HF1 

FSLabs A319/320/320SL/321


Connor Sullivan

Total Posts: 9
Posted at: 18-04-2024 18:23:21

I had a friend help me do this and the results are incredible! I have settings at a modest medium and some slightly higher and I'm achieving great frames but more importantly those annoying occasional stutters have pretty much gone!

Thanks for sharing 

Case: Thermaltake Level 20 Tempered Glass (ARGBCPU: Intel Core i7 9700K 3.6GHz Octa Core CPU Cooler: Masterliquid ML240L RGB  Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER Primary Screen: Acer KG271 27in Motherboard: Z390 AORUS PRO  RAM: 32GB  Storage: 3TB  PSU: EVGA GS 950W GOLD  OS: Windows 10  Keyboard: Avenger Keyboard & Mouse Accessories: TCA Airbus Quadrant & Sidestick

Rob Parker
Training Captain

Total Posts: 110
Posted at: 18-04-2024 18:44:07

Hi Connor

I'm pleased that it helped you.  It's really a game changer and has boosted my FPS by more than 100%!  With the Fenix I now get a stupid 70FPS! 

I am told (not confirmed it myself yet) that MSFS SU15 will break this and you'll have to carry out the process again.  I hope it's wrong.  Time will tell.


P3D V5.2 + HF1 

FSLabs A319/320/320SL/321


Connor Sullivan

Total Posts: 9
Posted at: 18-04-2024 21:46:41

Hi Rob,

Yeah, I have to say it's the Fenix I've noticed the biggest difference in. Granted they have updated their aircraft also to improve performance but all round - a massive difference. Yeah I have to agree I hope that's wrong too with the SU15!

Cheers again


Case: Thermaltake Level 20 Tempered Glass (ARGBCPU: Intel Core i7 9700K 3.6GHz Octa Core CPU Cooler: Masterliquid ML240L RGB  Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER Primary Screen: Acer KG271 27in Motherboard: Z390 AORUS PRO  RAM: 32GB  Storage: 3TB  PSU: EVGA GS 950W GOLD  OS: Windows 10  Keyboard: Avenger Keyboard & Mouse Accessories: TCA Airbus Quadrant & Sidestick

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