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Author Topic: Soft Landing (Read 23 times)
Darren Willmin
First Officer

Total Posts: 11
Posted at: 06-08-2024 12:19:02

I landed at Geneva this afternoon with a land rate of -24 (soft landing) how is this triggered and a bad thing?

Thanks Daz

Mark Grant
Training Captain
No Avatar
Total Posts: 113
Posted at: 06-08-2024 17:43:55

Hi Darren,

Bluesky apply the penalties in the following way,


Anything below -75fpm is considered dangerous and will be penalised. -100 points

The ideal Landing rate is -75 to -149 there are bonus points available if you can nail this landing +100

Heavier landings, but still acceptable range from -150 to -650, still some points are available for this rate although it's at the upper limit, if I remember right the inspection for a hard landing is around -600fpm.

Rates above -650 you get minus points as the aircraft is now out of service for inspection and maintenance.


There is another post explaining in more detail here,


Many Thanks,


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