
Tour Awards

Bridging Tour Completion of the Bridging Tour
Tour 1 Completion of the first European Hubs Tour 2011
Tour 2 For completion of In search of the Northern Lights Tour 2011
Tour 3 For completion of the Island Hopping Tour
Tour 4 For completion of the Ancient World Tour
Tour 5 For completion of the Into Africa Tour
Tour 6 For completion of the Out of Africa Tour
Tour 7 For completion of The Far East and Russia Tour
Tour 8 For completion of the Extreme Airports Part 1
Tour 9 For completion of Exteme Airports Part 2
Tour NASA For completion of the NASA Space Shuttle commemorative Tour
Tour Vatsim 10 Completion of the Vatsim 10 Years Tour

Flights Flown

10 Flights Completion of 10 Flights
100 Flights Completion of 100 Flights
1000 Flights Completion of 1000 Flights
50 Flight Completion of 50 Flights
500 Flights Completion of 500 Flights


Emergency Landing Landing safely after declaring an Emergency
Events 1st BDay Attendance of our 1st Birthday Flyin
Events 1st Event Participation in our first event
Events 2nd BDay Attendance of our 2nd Birthday Flyin
Events 3rd BDay Attendance of our 3rd Birthday Flyin
Events 4th BDay Attendance of our 4th Birthday Flyin
Events R Wedding Participation in our Royal Wedding Event
Events Vatsim 10 Participation in the Vatsim 10 years celebration.
Shared FlightDeck Award for using the shared FlightDeck function
Site Supporter This award is for voluntary donations to the server costs via the donation links and Paypal


Captain Award for flying at least 100 hours.
First Officer Award for flying at least 3 hours.
Rookie Pilot Award for flying at least 2 hours.
Senior Captain Award for flying at least 500 hours.
Senior First Officer Award for flying at least 50 hours.
Senior Training Captain Award for flying at least 2000 hours.
Training Captain Award for flying at least 1000 hours.

Landing Rate

Landing Rate Awarded for a landing rate less than -90fpm

Days of Membership

10 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 10 Years
180 Days Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 180 days
2 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 2 Years
3 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 3 Years
30 Days Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 30 days
365 Days Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 365 days
4 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 4 Years
5 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 5 Years
6 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 6 Years
60 Days Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 60 days
7 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 7 Years
8 Years Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 8 Years
9 Years Service Awarded for Length of service greater than 9 Years
90 Days Membership Awarded for Length of service greater than 90 days